Product summary draft on GPS Insight

GPS Insight (2019) states that their trailer tracking services helps to resolve trailer management issues, allowing users to bring down risk and costs, which in turn helps to increase income. This is done not only through location tracking, but also finding an answer to business problems for true fleet intelligence. This program's trailer tracking services allow users to not only locate, track and identify their different trailers, but also monitor the temperature of the trailers and the suitability of trailers for a certain job. GPS Insight's offers a wide range of fleet solutions to add into trailers to locate it easily. GPS Insight is trying to make use of telematics to find solutions for up and running issues and to inspect the fleets from a more comprehensive view. Their focal point is to take charge in enhancing planning and work rate to cherish an elaborated alliance from their source in terms of aid, coaching and standard for their fleets.

Edited on 1 October 2019

Retrieved 25 September,2019
From (n.d.).


  1. Dear Germain,
    Thank you for your interesting summary on GPS Insight's trailer tracking services.
    We feel that your content was very clear and concise, however there are a few points that we would like to touch on.

    Firstly, certain points were slightly repetitive. For example, you mentioned about the ability to locate trailers twice, "GPS Insight’s trailer tracking services allow users to not only locate" and " GPS Insight's offers a wide range of fleet solutions to add into trailers to locate it easily". This is slightly repetitive and we believe that perhaps you could remove one of these points.

    After reading through GPS Insight's website about the trailer tracking services, we felt that you missed out on an important feature provided, which is the ability to verify drops and pickups or determine any stops made by the trailers.

    Next, we identified that your citation at the end was in the wrong format. Perhaps you could take a look at this website ( and use it as reference to write a proper citation. Additionally, we feel that you could have broken up your content into paragraphs to make it easier and clearer to read.

    Lastly, we have found a few minor language errors that you made in your summary. Firstly, you wrote "make use of telematics to find solution" ->should have been solutions (plural form). Next, "a elaborated alliance" should be AN elaborate alliance because "elaborated" is a vowel and "elaborated" is in the wrong tense.

    Jun Hui and Kai Wei

    1. Dear Jun Hui and Kai Wei,

      Thank you for your response, I have read your comments and i felt that those comments you gave were great pointers. I'll take note of them and do my amendments.



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